Monday, January 22, 2024


Crazy Intimacy

Rooting for my baby

Dutch is a DIY kind of guy. Because of that most women think of me as 'interesting' or 'useful'. Not sure how much use I am if I were the slave in the image. Then again, I'm not big on outsourcing either. Luckily the slave is on the receiving end, so that's not his problem to deal with. He is in enough trouble as it is already.

Vanilla-wise erotic group activities are not my thing. Has nothing to do with being shy, it's just not for me. When it comes to femdom I feel the same, only things work slightly different once you cross over to the Dark Side. If you ignore the more fetish-oriented side of kink, femdom to me is still mostly about girl looks into a boy's eyes and he looks back into hers. [3] As they say, the rest is history. Also don't mistake my preference for just to two of us with some kind of fear. Au contraire, femdom is easier with strangers. There might be more pain and humiliation involved, but it means less. But if the woman you love is also your mistress, that is something else.

Now imagine she outsourced the hard work to another lady and got herself a frontrow seat to the show that's about to begin. Sooner or later you'll cross eyes. Your Love and mistress will be emotionally just as naked as you are. Now what?

Face the Music

Grover Washington Jr. - Just the two of us

 Given today's subtitle you might expect to hear Miley Cyrus, but no. Remember that smooth 1980 classic 'Just the Two of Us'? The 7'' sleeve says it's Grover Washington Jr, which is correct. But the song was written by Bill Withers and friends. Incidently it's also Bill Withers doing the background vocals. Dutch doesn't fall in love often but when I do, I go down the rabbit hole a lot longer than most. Once, as a student, my girlfriend an me were standing in line for a loaf of bread. Outrageous kissing in public is a no no but we did. It just happened. Some say love makes you do stupid things, I believe it actually makes you smarter. Kiss of a lifetime, about 90 percent of people envied us, while some 10 percent loudly objected. Because they were jealous. That's the kind of intimacy I'm talking about here. Just the two of us, even if there are other people in the room and Dutch is in a stockade and being kissed with a whip. An experience like that [kissing/whipping] is only for those who are truly blessed.

Grover Washington Jr. - Just the two of us [click to listen]


The fate of Ukraine is 1:1 tied to the future of Europe. Despite that EU ministers choose to focus on the Middle East. A couple of days ago Nato's top brass warned people to get ready for anything. In Sweden the threat is even more imminent. Teenagers as young as 15 are taught how to handle a gun. Sweden will send troops to Latvia next year despite not yet being Nato member. Sweden knows it's priorities. Meanwhile the European Union is a mess as always.

Help thy neighbour. But when your house is on fire and his not yet, please prioritise. Still, the EU foreign affairs chief tells Ukrainians not to worry while ministers focus on the Middle East.


[1] According to experts 'Just the Two of Us' is single-handed responsible for the 1980's smooth jazz explosion. It's meant as a backhanded compliment. Stupid, whatever music brings you joy is great music. To each his own.

[2] No worries, more DIY porn to come this year. [Yummy] Hardcore if I may say so. 

[3] All very naive, I know. Then again, it is what it is. Besides, think about why you are reading this. Yes, we all are following our rainbow, wherever it may lead.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Strangers in the Night

Femdom at its most basic is all about girl meets boy

Yet some never get to face the music

A quiet evening at home if only she'd remember to gag him first.

Despite what the 'for us this is real'-crowd claims, femdom is supposed to be fun. Ok, depending on your [submissive] point of view sometimes as much as running a marathon on your 111th birthday but still. [111] We all choose the reality we want to live in. Same thing goes for femdom. You either choose to engage in femdom for real or not at all.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

So You're Saying I Just Cry and Boobies Appear?

Sign me up!

Anyone wants to know what happened in the prequel?

Whatever it was, it's worth it. Such tenderness.

Lovely image today and whether you believe it or not, Dutch is very good at liking boobies. A rather unique skill, I know. Very proud of it. Despite the fact, the first thing you notice is boobies, her boobies, that's not what this image is about. It has a unique quality that show just how beautiful femdom can be.

He has surrendered, resigned himself to the fact he belongs to her. She holds his head in her hands. It show a lot of affection. At the same time, she pressed his face against her breasts. No doubt, that makes him happy. But we all know, men find it incredible hard to resist boobies, especially when they are kind to you. As she guides him into the valley, he finds comfort in the warmth of her embrace. He knows this is a sacred moment, despite his blindfold. As she lowers her head and looks at him, she presses him closer. He cannot see his mistress but those tiny gestures tell a story of their own. Perhaps it's some kind of reward because of all the pain and suffering she made him go through. Maybe she just want to show he is hers and what a good thing that is.

Monday, January 01, 2024

"Glory to the [Women] Heroes!"


Slava Ukraini

If my friends knew they would call me a fool for believing in the power of women. I may be a fool - but you know what they say: fool me once, They are the real idiots.

So 2023 was supposed to be the year of getting dangerous. Most risky thing that happend all year was that I didn't do a proper back-up and lost a lot of drafts and research notes. Google forcing readers to sign in to confirm their age before reading my blog has also proven rather dangerous. Viewer numbers have gone down. Not blogging to reach a huge audience but once I realized that Google made it difficult even for those who wanted to read my blog, I was disappointed. And of course there was that lightbulb moment where I realized the similarities between George Orwell's famous book Animal Farm and a minority group within "our community." And it's not just real findoms.

From The Archives

  • Enemy of the State: Who Reads My Blog?A few days ago my blog received an unusually large number of hits from Poland, 400 in one day. It got me curious and…
  • Kink Cycle: Floggers Made from Old Bike Inner Tubes From Holland with love: Save the world, one whip at a time. …
  • Hurry, Cheap Toys. How to Tie-Rip Kinksters Too often I feel BDSM is all about the money. There are more findommes than money slaves - which is rather unique in…