Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tea with the Addams Family

Sort of

Seen Wednesday on Netflix yet?

The Addams family has long been a popular choice for memes. And for good reason. We all want a love like Morticia and Gomez, especially if you're into femdom. Who doesn't want to experience a relationship that is playful, antagonistic but not resentful. And throw in some dark humour. No doubt it's something only the lucky few can have.

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Goop's Guide to Father’s Day

No! Not again.

Gwyneth Paltrow wants to sells your kid sex toys for Father's Day.

Yes it's Tina Turner. Live in the Netherlands in 2000. I'm so glad you didn't expect to see a picture of that other woman. [3] Only the best. It's that simple.

Remember Gwyneth Paltrow? Yes, me too. Mrs. Paltrow is the woman who was awarded $1 in damages after jurors who found her not liable for a 2016 ski crash. But you mean that other other thing, don't you. Stop it, no Christmas music until September at least. As for Goop's shopping suggestions, yes for 30K you can buy an entire dungeon, rather than a measly bondage chair for the unlucky few. Don't think they sold any of them.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Mistress Barbara: Spellbound

From our epic images department

Image from the Twitter of mistress Barbara

When words get in the way there's always Dutch you can count on. Because he has a way with words. Not this time. Just look at mistress Barbara. Even the devil himself is no match for her. Just look at that expression on her face. Mesmerizing. Absolutely irresistible. Been quite a while since I saw a domme as wonderful as mistress Barbara. Resistance is futile. But why would you? Guess there are worse ways to be corrupted than to look up to her.

Face the music

Sam Sparrow - Happiness (2012)

[click to listen]

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Slava Ukraini [Glory to Ukraine]

From the 'For us this is real'-department

Definitely not by choice

Thursday evening and it's almost eight o'clock. Holland is coming to a halt. Tonight we remember those who have fallen during World War II. Even if you're not a big fan of symbolic gestures like me, it's a powerful moment.

Yesterday my country celebrated the end of the Second World War, mostly with loud music. And like I wrote somewhere before, because freedom is special, we get a day off once every five years. Except if you work in government, then you have May 5 of every single year. Clearly some are more equal than others. Some things never change.  

From The Archives

  • Sunday Morning Gone Sour L'amour toujours sometimes hurts  Just like humblers suck! Only have myself to blame. Love it. I guess.…
  • Das Zuchthaus III: Prison Application Pending Excuses, excuses, excuses. Or not? Previously on Das Zuchthaus: Why is Dutch not in some long forgotten…
  • Mistress Rosanna: Trust, But Verify Intense and beautiful (image: mistress Rosanna on Twitter.) Ronald Reagan was an actor first and president second.…