Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Frame It

Less is more

Twitter is not my thing. Yes, I have an account but I use it mainly for inspiration. Dutch is old-fashioned, he wants to serve the mistress of his dreams in person. See her, feel her and smell her, but above all the chance to look into her eyes while I surrender. Being on camera is not the same. [1] It doesn't matter if camera means being on Zoom, Skype or looking at porn.

Unless you already serve a mistress, these are lonely days for kinksters that are not interested in virtual reality. [2] Still, self isolation is not wasted. For one you have lots of time for all sorts of vanilla things. Even the Dark Side allows you time for personal growth. Seen and be seen is what it's all about, everybody knows. Despite that, most people can use some advice on how to better present themselves.

Browsing boring Twitter I realized most people have no idea how to present themselves properly. The Blue Bird's images are living proof. Ever considered that more is not always best? Of course I already knew, it's why I never take of my socks. 

Seriously, when posting an image on Twitter, the algorithm crops it to some sort of standard landscape illustration. To view the pic full-size, you need to click it. Most of the time the machine-generated cut-out is more interesting than the full image. Examples by the dozen. To illustrate my point I choose an classic image uploaded by Sub Husband (@husband_sub) last December. And yes, it's pretty awesome. What makes it even better is the underwater part you cannot see. Mystery is magic. Pain is useful but kink is nine parts mind-games and one part anything else. Agreed, it only works because the woman in the picture radiates personal gravity from every angle. Despite that, even in this case, less is more. 

One glance is all you need to understand that no matter what, he bows to her will. It's the beautiful thing to do. Looking at the bigger picture explains just that but adds nothing to the scene in terms of raw power exchange. As for the why, nobody asks that question after their first glance at the partial image.


[0] As a numbers guy, I'm worried most commercial dungeons won't survive. If you're lucky enough to have one that features in lots of videos and images, why not add a subtle, elegant sign with its names on the wall? To safeguard the future of femdom.

[1] It's pointless, why do you think lovers crave togethernes?

[2] No worries, zero jokes about how "for us this is real" today.

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